Thomas Weber – C.V.

general infoGeneral information

Full name
Thomas Weber
Date of birth
December 21st 1992 in Darmstadt, Germany


Time Position
since 04/2018 Ph.D. student at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, supervised by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann ✝ and Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer Primary research topic: Software Developers in the Age of Data-Driven Applications
10/2015–03/2018 M.Sc. Software Engineering (Elite Graduate Program) (Final Grade: 1.0)
at Augsburg University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and TU Munich, Germany
Master-Thesis: Uselets: UIs using Actors as an Abstraction for Composable Communicating Components.
Transcript of Records
10/2012–09/2016 B.Sc. Computer Science, minor in Psychology (Final Grade: 1,1)
B.Sc. Media Informatics, minor in Human-Computer-Interaction and Media Design (Final Grade: 1,1)
at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
Bachelor-Thesis: Show me your moves, Robot-sensei! The influence of motion and speech on perceived human-likeness of robotic teachers.
Transcript of Records
08/2011–07/2012 Propedeutic Diploma Industrial Design Engineering at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Projects with Uitgeverij Elmar, Maars Partitioning Systems, and Philips Healthcare.
06/2010 Abitur at Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium, Bad Homburg, Germany

work experienceWork experience

Time Position
since 10/2019 Researcher at Chair for Media Informatics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
04/2018–09/2019 Researcher at fortiss GmbH, Munich in the Human Centric Engineering field. Projects & Topics:
  • UX4D (Project Lead): Evaluation of the 4diac IDE, a Model-Driven Software Development Tool
  • MAGNET: Itegration of user adaptive support features in AutoFocus3 a Model-Driven Software Development Tool
  • Dependable AI: Work on Human Centered Machine Learning (Explainable AI, Interactive Machine Learning)
  • LEA: UX Methods in eGovernment
05/2017–10/2017 Intern / Research Assistant at The Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh Formal abstraction of component-based UIs and extending the Links Programming Language
08/2016–01/2017 Intern / Working Student - Software Engineer at MaibornWolff GmbH, Munich Software Development using Java and TypeScript (Angular 2)
04/2014–03/2018 Academic Tutor for
  • Online Multimedia (Multimedia im Netz)
  • Multimedia Programming (Multimedia-Programmierung)
  • Human Computer Interaction I (Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion I)
  • Formal Languages and Complexity Theory (Formale Sprachen & Komplexität)
  • System Programming Practicals (Systempraktikum)
  • Media Technology (Medientechnik)
at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich Including giving tutorial lectures and grading of students assignments.
06/2011–08/2011 Auxiliary at IT Department, Hochtaunus-Kliniken, Bad Homburg
12/2010–06/2011 Civil Service (Zivildienst) at IT Department, Hochtaunus-Kliniken, Bad Homburg On-site Hard- and Software-support, Intranet-Development (PHP, HTML, CSS)

volunteer workVolunteer work

Time Position
09/2016 Organizational support at ICFP Programming Context 2017, ICFP'17, Oxford
11/2015–08/2016 UI / UX Design at Integreat
09/2014 Student Volunteer at Mensch und Computer Conference, Munich


Language skills

Natural Languages

  • German German
  • English English

Programming languages


Seminars as part of the Software Engineering Masters program:

  • Presentation Training
  • Writing Training
  • Team Management
  • Leadership
  • Moderation
  • Change Management
  • Intercultural Competence
Interests in Computer Science
  • Programming Models and Abstractions
  • Tool Support for Software Developers
  • Usability & Interaction Design
  • Code Quality
  • Compilers, Formal Languages, and Type Systems
  • Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
Other interests
  • Digital & Traditional arts (including but not limited to drawing, painting, sculpting)
  • Culinary arts (cooking, baking, semi-professional bartending)
  • Maker culture (machining, woodworking, 3D printing, CNC manufaturing)
  • Karate (6th kyū)